Monday, September 20, 2010

Hilongos: Meeting the NEW YEAR with a smile on innocent faces...

     Every December 31st, the last day of every year, my hometown Hilongos in Leyte spends it in a different way. A contest is held to make tribute to the  Gods for a fertile season, this is through street dancing ,chanting and merry-making. This is held to make every person in the town be the happiest one.The competition is joined by different schools in gradeschool and highschool when this last day arrives. People gather in the gym to witness an incredible event and experience a indescribable feeling. This event is called the Alikaraw Festival. You may ask why? So, here is a short story to understand the essence of the said event, and should be shared to all. So sit back and enjoy the wonders of this festival of ours. Be happy! Be merry!
Alikaraw Festival: 
        the story behind...

The Petal Fairies have a very important job – together with their magic petals they help to make sure that flowers grow and bloom in the human world. They are the ones who are responsible in making our environment ideal to live for.
    In Leyte, you will find rare flora and fauna; a garden where the productions of wild flowers in every zone and clime are united, and live together in friendly concurrence. The brilliant tropical flowers are seen at the side of the green grasses and the aloes near the periwinkle. Palm-trees spread their fan-like leaves above a grove of acacias, whose white flowers are faintly tinged with red. In moist branches grow orchids that mingle their sweet colors and their crimson glow. The red, pink, white colored petals, and a thousand flowers which arrest the eye, but which we need no name, here mingle in harmonious groups, or form beautiful Eden. All these flowers live, breathe, and converse, as they interchange odors. It is believed that fairies dwell in these gardens to protect the flowers.
        Of all flowers that bloom in the forests of Leyte, there is one rare orchid species that Leyteños are very proud of: the Phalaenopsis orchid that grows wildly in moist branches. Old stories tell us that there are three elemental fairies that made it possible for this orchid to bloom for several weeks. The Water Fairy, Air Fairy and the Light Fairy sway their magic petals to make around the feet of the trees, shrubs, and plants, countless blooms as water and soft wind flow caressing petals around. The petal fairies as flower guardians are responsible in making sweet colors and fresh respire in the forest.

        However, Leyteños believe that magic and fairies are not enough to make their pride show off with brilliance. With the faith of the Holy Child, the powerful Sto. Niño, this beautiful orchid will generate more colorful breeds in the future. More exquisite blooms and scenic gardens will come to reality through constant praising and prayers to the Holy Child. Thus, people of Hilongos make a constant ritual to praise with gratitude to the Holy Child for showering their land with enchanting tropical forests where lovely orchids bloom. There is no definite dance step in the ritual, — yet you seem to be enveloped by the universal harmony, as in one of the concerts which we hear in our dreams – and this is the breeze which sighs, murmurs, plays, and sings some melody to every flower. 

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